  • No 1 Rajendra Prasad Road , Pallavaram, Chennai - 600043


  1. Tests and examinations will be conducted as noted in the calendar.
  2. No pupil should absent herself from any test or examination. If a pupil is unable to attend a test due to illness, leave letter supported by a medical certificate should be produced on or before the date of test.
  3. Dishonest practices on the part of any pupil during examination will be severely dealt with and she is liable to be dismissed from the school.
  4. For purposes of promotion at the end of the year the marks obtained by the pupil in all tests and examinations will be taken into consideration.
  5. In order to appraise themselves of their children's progress in school, parents are requested to attend the parent teacher meeting regularly and avail themselves of the opportunity provided to consult the H.M. and teachers for the progress of their wards. No re-examination will be held for absentees.
  6. Promotion is decided on the basis of the pupils' performance throughout the year by a promotion committee. No appeal will be considered in matters pertaining to promotion.
  7. With regard to all other matters not noted in these rules, the pupils shall conduct themselves in a way not derogatory to the institution.