  • No 1 Rajendra Prasad Road , Pallavaram, Chennai - 600043


  1. Great importance is given to the pupils' attendance and in this respect we expect full support and co -operation from the parents
  2. No pupil can absent herself without applying for leave. Application for leave of absence shall state the' reason for absence and the period, bear the counter signature of the parent or guardian and should be presented to the class teacher if the leave period does not exceed Three Days. Leave for a longer period needs prior permission and it should reach the H.M. through the class teacher.
  3. In the case of illness exceeding a week, a medical certificate should be produced by the pupil on the day she joins after illness.
  4. Repeated absence without leave letter for a period exceeding 15 days will entail the removal of the pupil from the school registers.
  5. No student is allowed to absent herself from any class or leave the class room during working hours without the teacher's permission.
  6. No pupil who comes to her class after the class has begun will be allowed to join the class unless she brings a note signed by the principal.
  7. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each session and if situation necessitates even in each period.
  8. Attendance on the re-opening day after holidays is compulsory, any break of the rule will be punishable with a fine.
  9. Attendance for evening games, extra-curricular activities and special classes is compulsory for all pupils.