  • No 1 Rajendra Prasad Road , Pallavaram, Chennai - 600043

St. Theresa Girls' Higher Secondary school Comprise of Standards VI to XII. The medium of instruction is Tamil and English.

Pupils coming from Primary School or after Private study shall be examined and admitted only in the class for which they are found fit.

Pupils who are found to have obtained admission by false representation shall summarily be dismissed.School leaving certificate will be given only to those who have received confirmation from HM and produced a written application from the parent  guardian one week in advance.

Irregular attendance, disobedience, any kind of cheating or serious misbehaviour even outside the school will be viewed seriously.

New pupils must be introduced personally by their parents or guardians who will be responsible to the principal for their regularity.

Pupils coming from recognised schools are required to produce a leaving certificate from the institution they last attended and the pupils from other state board schools should bring their leaving certificate or T.C. duly countersigned by the inspector of those State Boards as well as the mark list of the examination they had passed at the time of leaving, attested by the Head of the School and Evaluation Certificate from the Inspector of Schools.